Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008

A pro/con essay
a ban on violence in movies / against such a ban ?

Violence is part of our daily lives and always has been. Every day when we watch TV, listen to the radio or read the newspapers, we hear about acts of violence all over the world. I thought about the fact that people maybe could get more violent when they watch movies which comprehend a lot of violence. This took me to the questions if a ban on violence in movies would be better and which arguments argue against such a ban ?

To begin with arguments for a ban on violence in movies. In my opinion movies with to much violence aren´t realistic anyway. Sometimes the scenes are simply to exaggerated and to hard and maybe people could get anxiety and have bad dreams afterwards.The most film directors always think that their movies should comprehend scenes with violence to create tension for the people and I think this isn´t needed. This takes me to my next argument. Non violent films are also successful and popular, because there are so many films with violence and for example a romantic film or a film with a regional background are a variety to this. Beside this you could learn of such films and you can take something for your life. Violent films shows the opposite to this, because in many cases it leads to imitation and bad experiences. I think this is the strongest argument for a ban on violence in movies. Even children and teenagers are effected, because the dangers are unknown for them sometimes. Violence is something we learn. We hear about violence,see it, experience it and imitate it and as I say for the children it is unknown and I think through films with violence this could be added.

However, in case the majority of the people doesn´t get violent, I only see danger for the children when they see to much violent movies. Grown up people have more experiences than children and they really know how to act when they have a conflict or other problems. Moreover the most films are so unrealistic that a normal person doesn´t copy this violent scenes, because when it comes to violence in movies, it is usually that films come in for the most criticism for their vicious content. I also think that violence is an instinct that we all have. Violence is necessary for survival and will always be with us. People will always experience frustration and aggression will always exist. In other words I think that we don´t turn into a non-violent society just because showing non-violent movies, because violence exist, wether if people watch violent films or not.

Therefore I think that a ban on violence in movies would not be better for our society. As I already mentioned violence will always exist with or without violent movies, because it is an instinct that we all have. As a final sentence I want to say that we all can get rid of violence if we want to.