Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008



The main character in the novel named Charlie is a very interesting and likeable character. Emotional, diffident, and small are all words that could be used to describe Charlie´s personality at first, but as the time rolls on, some of Charlie´s personality traits to change somewhat.
At the beginning he sees his environment through the eyes of a child and discovers so contradictions in things over which normal people no longer think about, they are simply routine.That brings him a lot of problems and he also doesn´t know why he is different. Charlie is burdened with some emotional instability. He often cries, for what most people would things see as “stupid reasons”. Charlie is trying to figure out the world, and how everyone works. He tends to sit on the side lines and just watch people, wondering what is going on in their life. He does this until his teacher tells him that he should try to participate, in stead of just observing. When Charlie meets his new friends Sam and Patrick, he tries to participate more, and observe less. From now on he starts to go on parties and he starts smoking and taking drugs. He lies to his parents, what he didn´t do before, he go on dates, learn about sex, homosexuality, friendship and other things. Through Sam and Patrick Charlie experiences things that he never would have done if he hadn´t found them, also negative things. Till the end of the book he developes to another person.

words: 250

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