Donnerstag, 9. April 2009

Correction of the 2nd exam

Instead of bringing and holding people together, prejudice and discrimination push them apart. In my point of view, prejudice and discrimination are dangerous for society and the individual. Therefore we must find measures against it. I will discuss this by looking at society first, then the individual and finally at the measures.

First, the negative effects on society. People can become prejudiced for many reasons, which includes often the influence of parents, because young children accept everything their parents say, including their prejudices. These prejudices are very often difficult to break down later in life. If there is no relationship, people would be completely unaware of another person’s or group’s existence.
In my opinion prejudice comes from fear, because someone is different in their language, behaviour or customs, people are afraid of them. Pride is also a reason for prejudice, because people think that the groups they belong to are superior others. Therefore, they will be prejudices against these because they must be inferior.

Second, the negative effect on individuals is even more obvious. Discrimination is the exclusion of individuals or groups from full participation in society because of their sex, race or religion. There is hopelessness, because especially foreigners or minorities can’t escape them. Prejudice and discrimination lead to violence and hatred and this is a huge danger for the individual. Weak or innocent people could be hurt or even killed. Discrimination is the acting out of prejudices, when people are treated unfairly because of a prejudice held against them.

Finally, as prejudice and discrimination has such a negative effect, it is crucial that we fight against it. There are various measures we can take. In my opinion all individuals and groups have the right to be different, to consider themselves as different and to be regarded as such. People should be informed about the consequences of prejudice and discrimination, they should know about what could happen if others are treated wrong.
All people are created equal, no matter the difference in race, skin colour, language or health. If there are problems, we should prevent these without violence. Violence is never a solution; it produced only counter-violence and it is like a vicious circle.

To conclude, we should prevent prejudice and discrimination by accepting people who are different. Very often, there is evidence that a person's prejudice is wrong, so everyone should get the chance to show who and how he or she really is.

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