Donnerstag, 9. April 2009

Correction of the 2nd exam

Instead of bringing and holding people together, prejudice and discrimination push them apart. In my point of view, prejudice and discrimination are dangerous for society and the individual. Therefore we must find measures against it. I will discuss this by looking at society first, then the individual and finally at the measures.

First, the negative effects on society. People can become prejudiced for many reasons, which includes often the influence of parents, because young children accept everything their parents say, including their prejudices. These prejudices are very often difficult to break down later in life. If there is no relationship, people would be completely unaware of another person’s or group’s existence.
In my opinion prejudice comes from fear, because someone is different in their language, behaviour or customs, people are afraid of them. Pride is also a reason for prejudice, because people think that the groups they belong to are superior others. Therefore, they will be prejudices against these because they must be inferior.

Second, the negative effect on individuals is even more obvious. Discrimination is the exclusion of individuals or groups from full participation in society because of their sex, race or religion. There is hopelessness, because especially foreigners or minorities can’t escape them. Prejudice and discrimination lead to violence and hatred and this is a huge danger for the individual. Weak or innocent people could be hurt or even killed. Discrimination is the acting out of prejudices, when people are treated unfairly because of a prejudice held against them.

Finally, as prejudice and discrimination has such a negative effect, it is crucial that we fight against it. There are various measures we can take. In my opinion all individuals and groups have the right to be different, to consider themselves as different and to be regarded as such. People should be informed about the consequences of prejudice and discrimination, they should know about what could happen if others are treated wrong.
All people are created equal, no matter the difference in race, skin colour, language or health. If there are problems, we should prevent these without violence. Violence is never a solution; it produced only counter-violence and it is like a vicious circle.

To conclude, we should prevent prejudice and discrimination by accepting people who are different. Very often, there is evidence that a person's prejudice is wrong, so everyone should get the chance to show who and how he or she really is.

Dienstag, 7. April 2009


Successful job interview

Most employers receive hundreds and even thousands of applications a year. The reality is that employers screen out most applications and read only those that catch their attention - afterwards you may get the opportunity for a job interview.

Therefore, you need to do everything possible to create the perfect job interview.
So make sure you make a good impression, a job interview gives you a chance to prove yourself, and you have to be flexible in your whole behaviour.
Your personal impression you convey is of particular importance, it is made up of your type, cleanliness, naturalness and your self-confidence.

Your clothes have to be clean and fit with the working place you apply for. Be self-confident and not arrogant, make sure there is a huge difference. Watching arrogant people in TV may be funny, but in real life such behaviours may even cost your job.

Preparing for a job interview means knowing about the industry, the employer, and yourself. It means paying attention to details like personal appearance, punctuality, and demeanour.

Montag, 9. März 2009

Opinion essay

Is it important that people stay informed?

Today there are a lot different possibilities to stay informed. Anytime you can get informations out of the internet, there are news on television and you can hear it in on the radio as well as you can read the latest news in the newspapers. Now the question here is, is it important that people stay informed? Of course, it is, therefore my opinion to this issue.
From my point of view it is important to stay informed for oneself. You are able to communicate and discuss about current news with other people and you dont get influenced when you have certain knowledge about what’s going on around the world, so you really can express your own opinion. Furthermore you get a bigger knowledge which is an advantage for your life. From my own experience I know that it is helpful when we read newspapers or search for informations about different topics in the internet, especially for the school and for the general knowledge. Moreover newspapers show you the latest fashion trends and through this you now what is trendy or not. You also can find job advertisements in the internet and in different newspapers, which are often very helpful to find a job.
Now I move on to another aspect, staying informed is also important for politics. I am quite certain that the political news are the most important part of news. Everybody should be informed about politicians and their changes, especially because of the elections. Everbody has the right to vote and therefore everybody should be informed to make a good choice in the end. By the way, you should make your own decisions and you never should be influenced by other people.
The last aspect, which shows the importance of being informed, is society and the social aspect.
It’s necessary to get informations to be up to date. Our society requires that you know and understand what is going on in our community. You should be able to communicate and discuss about controversial issues with everyone, this also show your knowledge.
To conclude, I definitely believe that staying informed is important. I read the newspapers every morning to get the latest informations and that I know what happened the day before. I think everyone of us should now what’s going on around the world, because everyone of us is a part of our society and it is almost impossible to escape any kind of news.

words: 415

Sonntag, 22. Februar 2009

Fatal Crash Statistics By Year

It is quite dramatic how many people annually die in traffic accidents in the United States. There are about 43 000 people killed in fatal car accidents each year. In addition to fatal accidents, about 2.9 million people are injured each year.
You can see from 1997 till 2005 increased the number of the fatal vehicle crashes and the number of fatalities rises. Considerable lots of the fatal crashes are alcohol-related.
The statistics show that in the year 1997 were 37.324 accidents and 2005 already 39.189. Overall in 2005 were 43.443 people killed on the streets of America, that a significant number of fatalities.

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

Letter of application

Jessica Lawrence
250 Prices Fork
Blacksburg, VA 2406
(540) 555-1234

Mr. William Jackson
Director of Human Resources
Navarro College
3200 West 7th Avenue
Corsicana, TX 75110
February 2nd,2009
Dear Mr. Jackson,
Application for vacancy as a police officer

I am writing to apply for the position as a police officer advertised in the Times Union. I am very interested in this job and I'm sure this would be the right profession for me.
In me you will find a real team worker and a highly motivated associate who have very good concentration abilities and characteristics. I am also a friendly, honest and disciplined worker. I am athletic and I really like to go on my limits.
In addition to the qualifications required of you, I still have the driving license category B and an own car.

Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application with you. I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, (540) 555-1234. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

Yours sincerely,
Jessica Lawrence

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009


Group 2 :
How are men, women and their relationship presented in this movie? What’s the movie’s message here?

In this movie boys lead very different lives. Tre is an aspiring college man, Ricky an American football player, Doughboy a dealing gangster. The film offers an insight on racial inequality, drugs, sex, and gang violence.

Relationship between Tre and Brandi:
Tre’s girlfriend, Brandi, has resisted Tre’s demands to have sex with her, mostly due to her own beliefs as a Catholic.
- but he is playing games, pressure force her to have sex with him, but she’s more intelligent than Tre , she doesn’t want children when she’s young, she wants to be educated – wants to see the life.

There is a scene in which Tre came home and cry in front of Brandy – he never thought he cry in front of a girl. He shows her his feelings.

General relationship between men and women in this movie:
All based on sex. Women have to take care of the children.

Men and women are presented:
- women are often more successful (like Tre’s mother)
- Father has to teach his son to be a real man
- There is a scene about a woman who is drug addicted and nobody cares about her – her little child walks alone on the street
- Tre treats his mum different, in another way like he treats other girls. He has more respect in front of his mother – (telephone call)
- Women are often described by the men as: bitches, whore, they are only good for sex …
- Women love their children but they don’t listen to their mother

Violence is no solution; it produced only counter- violence.

Alban,Magdalena B., Simon K., Marina

Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2008

Correction of the 1st exam

Task A: „pro and con essay“ about „The Struggle for Beauty“

Today we live in a world that strives for perfection, nothing seems real anymore. We tan our skin using artificial light; have cosmetic surgery on everything from toes to noses. It seems we are so obsessed with what we want to be that we don’t want to know who we are. In my “pro and con” essay I want to dwell on the advantages and disadvantages about
“The Struggle for Beauty”.
Let's look at the disadvantages to this struggle first. On the one hand, there is always the risk of a bodily harm for example from a botched plastic surgery or if we tan our skin in a tanning salon, it is very unhealthy and increases the risk of cancer due to this radiation. Also another disadvantage is that many girls feel unwell in their bodies if they see the famous super models, especially girls during puberty have this idea and they always think that they are too fat, this idea leads to dieting, which too many girls often exaggerate and the consequences are diseases such as anorexia and bulimia. Thus, there is the danger of psychological problems and you loose control. On the other hand, there are also advantages to this struggle for beauty. If you want to be a model and you work so hard for this job you'll maybe have success and earn a lot of money. In addition, you are more self-confident and you get the feeling of being accepted by other people. Or if someone is really unhappy with his look, for example if you have a blemish on your body you can always remove by surgery, however, these should be well considered.
In my opinion, we forget that having a charismatic personality and a healthy dose of self-esteem is really beautiful. I mean, if someone really has such a problem with the look, a surgery really should made possible. But in essence, everybody is beautiful in one way; it isn’t just always recognized by all. Nothing seems real in a world where everything can be modified for the sake of perfection. Nobody is perfect; everyone has his quirks, which should be respected.
To conclude, I'm convinced “The Struggle for Beauty” is a topic which should be discussed, but there will always be different opinions. I think, everyone should just be satisfied as he is, sometimes it may be difficult but I think health is far more important than beauty.